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Researcher: Cheryll Alipio
As the Institute's Program Director, Dr. Cheryll Alipio is responsible for undertaking applied research, technical assistance, and outreach projects in support of its public service mission. With an extensive background in ethnographic, qualitative, participatory, and mixed methods research involving vulnerable and minority populations in the United States and Asia Pacific, Cheryll has worked with children, youth, families, and communities alongside educational institutions, public health agencies, nonprofits, and NGOs in areas of social welfare, health disparities, human rights, gender-based violence, childcare, care work, migration, labor, development, and governmentality. Prior to joining the Institute, she held teaching and research positions at the University of Maryland, York University in Canada, The University of Queensland in Australia, and the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. Dr. Alipio holds both a Ph.D. and M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Washington and a B.A. in Anthropology and Psychology from the University of California, Davis. |
- Money and Moralities in Contemporary Asia
(2020 - Publication)