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Analysis of Potential Zoning Changes and the Impacts on Property Values in Carroll County

Researcher(s): (Jeanne Bilanin)


Facing growth pressures under its current zoning scheme that would include an additional 40,000 residents, Carroll County's services and infrastructure would be severely strained by such an increase in population. Carroll County began exploring zoning changes that would ease the impacts of such growth and development. Working closely with the Planning Department, IGSR conducted a peer review of the Department of Planning's analysis of the impact of development under several potential changes to current land use and zoning designations, then disclosed findings and offered suggestions on key issues. The investigation began with an analysis and review of a pre-decisional working draft and a critique of the fiscal impact analysis using various scenarios that involved changes in zoning within the jurisdiction. In an effort to explore the zoning changes that would decrease the level and impact of new development, IGSR also developed an estimate of the impact on property values associated with the potential zoning changes.

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