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Methodology for Evaluating Court-Based Mental Health Interventions in Maryland
Researcher(s): (Robert M Bell) (Frank Broccolina) (Faye D Gaskin) (Diane S Pawlowicz) (C David Crumpton) (Jamie L Walter) (Gray Barton) (Jennifer Moore) (Robert Pointer) (Jayme Delano) (Jeanne Bilanin) (Tara Rice) (Anita Hawkins) (Kim Sydnor) (Douglas Young)
This report describes a methodology for process and outcome evaluations of court-based mental health interventions that reflects their complex, multi-organizational, and varied characteristics. The process evaluation methodology is designed to elicit how the intervention evolved, what organizations provide what services to whom, and how closely the participants and activities match what was intended. The outcome evaluation methodology is designed to establish the impact of the intervention on participants and on the mental health and criminal justice systems. This is the first of three reports addressing court-based mental health interventions produced by the Maryland Judiciary Research Consortium, a partnership between the Maryland Judiciary, Administrative Office of the Courts, and units of Maryland's public universities. The second report, Process Evaluation of the Harford County Mental Health Diversion Program, was also prepared by IGSR researchers. The third report, Evaluation of the Baltimore City Mental Health Court, was prepared by researchers at Morgan State University. The Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) funded this project under grant number BJAG-2005-1076.
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