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The National Criminal Justice Treatment Practices Survey: Multilevel Methods and Procedures
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 32: 225-238

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Researcher(s): (Faye S Taxman) (Douglas Young) (Brian Wiersema) (Anne Rhodes) (Suzanne Mitchell)


The National Criminal Justice Treatment Practices Survey provides a comprehensive inquiry into the nature of programs and services provided to adult and juvenile offenders involved in the justice system in the United States. The multi-level survey design covers topics such as the mission and goals of the correctional and treatment programs, organizational climate and culture for providing services, organizational capacity and needs, administrators and staff opinions regarding rehabilitation and punishment and services provided for offender, treatment policies and procedures, and working relationships between correctional and other agencies. The methodology generates national estimates of the availability of programs and services for offenders. This paper details the methodology and sampling frame for the NCJTP, the response rates, and the survey procedures. Prevalence estimates of juvenile and adult offenders under correctional control are provided with externally validated comparisons to illustrate the veracity of the methodology. Limitations of the survey methods are discussed.

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