Maryland's Open
Meetings Act

  • Introduction
  • Lesson One - What is the Act?
  • Lesson Two - When Does the Act Apply?
  • Lesson Three - Ground Rules for Meetings Subject to the Act
  • Lesson Four - Closing a Meeting
  • Lesson Five - Minutes
  • Lesson Six - Enforcement of the Act
  • Review
  • Certificate

Maryland's Open Meetings Act

An online class offered jointly by the University of Maryland's Institute for Governmental Service and Research and the Maryland Attorney General's Office.

Quiz 1

Test your understanding of the material.

1. The Open Meetings Act is a state law, so it does not apply to county and municipal public bodies. a.
2. Under the Act, the public is ordinarily entitled to observe every step of the decision-making process, not just the public body's final vote on an action. a.